Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Our delicious Organic Hemp Seed Oil is cold-pressed and unrefined. Just like hemp seed, the oil contains the ideal 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Unlike flax, hemp has valuable Super Omega-3 (SDA) and Super Omega-6 (GLA).

Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Oil does not need to be refrigerated before opening. Please store in the refrigerator or freezer after opening. Best if used within 8-12 weeks of opening.

pure hemp seed oil
You can use Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Oil in smoothies, salads, vegetable and pasta dishes. To conserve the essential fatty acids, we suggest you use it raw or gently heated. It's not suitable for frying.

Hemp Advocates
As an advocate of industrial hemp, Nutiva Founder John Roulac successfully sued the US Drug Enforcement Administration in 2002 to keep hemp foods legal, paving the way for hemp foods to be sold in the United States.
frequently asked questions
Does the Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Oil need to be shipped cold?
Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Oil is packaged in shelf stable packaging which does not require refrigeration before opening. It does not need to be shipped cold.
Can I use Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Oil for sauteing and baking?
Using our Organic Hemp Seed Oil as a cooking oil will not preserve the essential fatty acids (EFAs). It has a low smoke point and may hydrogenate at high temperatures.
How much Omega-6 and Omega-3 is in Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Oil?
In one serving of our Organic Hemp Seed Oil there are 7.5g of Omega-6 LA, 2.5g of Omega-3 ALA, 2.0g Omega-9, 500mg Omega 6-GLA and 250mg Omega-3 SDA.