10 recipes (and a bonus) to superfood your lunchbox

It’s back-to-school time, which means that it’s time to dust off the lunchboxes and fill them with superfood for your super children!

We want to help you send them off right this school year, so we created 10 superfood recipes to help you get them out the door with a happy, nutrition-filled lunchbox.


starting the day

1. Coconut Manna-Chip Pancakes
2. Blueberry Chia Seed Jam


snacking away

3. Bugs on a Log with Hemp Spread
4. Hemp Kale Chips
5. Ranch Dip with Hempseeds
6. Hemp Spread
7. Chocolate Hemp Spread
8. Superfood Chicken Fingers
9. Superfood Pizza with Hemp Basil Pesto


after-school treat

10. Chia Berry Popsicles



No time for making anything, but still want to send them off to school with the best snack around? Peace of mind for you, and happy taste buds for them with the Nutiva Organic O’Coconut snacks, available at Whole Foods nationwide!


Your turn: What is your favorite thing to pack in your child’s lunchbox?

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